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          The 2101 Chronicles                                      Hi Octane Science Fiction

Part Two

From the Author -  If you have made it this far you know the foundation of the 2101 Chronicles. I have posted random excerpts below from the final three novels. The travels in time and space become more exotic and more intenese but the family values remain.

As a side note my editor/shrink/ wife has asked, firmly with her small baseball bat in hand, that I tell you the tale of the first novel, Extinction. I started to write this tale in 1992. For a decade the dream came to me while awake in brief flashes. Just about every night I would see the movie Extinction in my dreams but when awake could only recall parts.  Many days after a hard day at work I would set down at my old IBM 286 machine and work on the tale. I have three and half inch disks on my safe of this first work. Accessing a file now kind of freaks me out, I see now that I had a lot to learn as a writer.

After my health scare on October, 30, 2009` and flat on my back on the couch I have named Sofi, for the first two weeks I had dreams like I always had dreams. Except this time, when I was awake I could recall them in vivid detail. It was like watching a movie while awake. Suddenly, Extinction and all the subsequent tales were easy to write. It became a matter of how fast I could type and at one hundred plus words per minute I can type fairly fast.  For the seven volume series, one million words, it took me a year. I made a lot of typos, etc, etc. After the first year I finally convinced Marcia to be my editor and cowriter. I was swamped. Thankfully, she agreed to help me out and we have taken off with many diverse tales. Now, RER Publishing is well on its way to be the largest two person publishing empire in history. I owe her a lot.

Since then the dreams continue to flow and be remembered. There is no writer's block at RER publishing,

​​​ Salvation

Chronicle Five



Marcia located the Larutan B2 planet in our solar system so we paid them a visit. We cruised around for two days blowing up their cities with the ion cannons, the mini nukes and unloaded the last of your poison, Sam,” answered Rex.
“Then there will be no need for the Nest to ever visit the B2 planet in this galaxy. Marcia, come on over to the table on my exposed cavern wall and I will refill your tank with my special Larutan cocktail. I have produced gallons of the virus now,” ordered the young scientist.
“I will obey in a few minutes Samantha. There is some very important information I discovered on our visit that you and Big Daddy need to review and Chris also needs to be involved in analyzing what I have brought back. Time is of the essence,” replied Marcia.
Everyone looked at each other with concern written all over their faces. This statement from this particular war bike was very alarming to the members of the Nest.
“If you hook up my serial cable to your new super computers from your father and the two Pops I can download this information quickly for you to analyze,” said the war bike.
Chris retrieved the serial cable from Marcia and hooked the wire into one of the serial ports on Samantha’s super computer. The massive download from the war bike took less than ten seconds.
“Wow Marcia, that was really quick for such a large download! You piggy backing your data?” asked Samantha.
“Yes Samantha, just like you do,” answered Marcia.
Samantha just grinned and shook her head. This particular war bike always tried to be one step ahead of the young scientist. At the same time Marcia transmitted through her micro wave generator the same information to the android Big Daddy who was sitting at his desk as in a trance while receiving the massive amount of data.
“This is very interesting information daughter. I will save you some valuable time to tell you what the Rexes and Marcia have discovered. As we all know there is a massive Larutan invasion force headed to Earth that has been in warp drive for five years ever since Rex defeated the first small Larutan armada he encountered in Miami. This new invasion force is going to pass directly through a solar system named OGLE-2006-BLG-109L in approximately sixty days on their journey to Earth. That is assuming they have stopped periodically on their journey to correct their course and restock their war ships. The lizards could arrive at this OGLE-2006-BLG-109L solar system sooner than that,” said Big Daddy.
“Ogle is the name Pop. Let’s keep it short. We don’t have to be so technical do we?” asked T-Rex with a sigh.
“Okay. Ogle it is son.” replied Big Daddy.
“Why would this concern the Nest Daddy? Why should we care?” asked Samantha.
“Well daughter, this Ogle solar system has been identified by Earth scientists for many years as one most likely to contain life similar to our own. According to the information Marcia retrieved the Larutans confirm that there is humanoid life on one of the planets in that solar system and they plan on stopping there to replenish their food supply. We on Earth are the reason the Larutan invasion force will be visiting the solar system and that particular planet. You may draw your own logical conclusions,” answered Big Daddy.
Chris had been silent during this conversation. Finally he spoke.
“How far away is this Ogle system Big Daddy?”
“The Ogle system exists in the Sagittarius Constellation four thousand and nine hundred light years away from Earth which is a hop, skip and jump for us with the wormhole generators,” answered Big Daddy.
“Now wait a minute everyone! We don’t know what is in the solar system. The Larutans scouts reported there were humanoids there. What does that mean Big Daddy?” asked T-Rex.
“Basically that means they are a lot like you. They should be warm blooded mammals in all probability with possibly some different attributes. The question that needs to be answered is how far has their civilizations progressed.




  Chronicle Six

​  ISBN     B004GHNDHU

Dallas was sitting in his captain’s chair this day and was bringing the Garrison to a halt to explore another new world when Joe walked up to him on the bridge.
“Dallas, I need to speak with you today. It is time for the Garrison to go home to Onisac,” he simply said.
Dallas pulled back on his navigational joystick and brought the Garrison to a smooth halt and turned to his younger brother who was now standing beside him.
“Little brother, I have been trying to do that ever since we got to this universe. Being a telepath like me you should know that,” said Dallas with a slight smile.
“I know Dallas. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so blunt. What I meant to say was I know how to get home and it is time to go. I have been ready for the last month.”
Dallas had a look of surprise on his face and then one of elation. He knew of Joe’s advance mental powers and he had learned to respect his younger brother’s ability.
“You are serious about this aren’t you Joe?”
“Yes I am Dallas. I can read your thoughts and you want to go home as much as I do. I know how we can get home. I have known for a couple of years what had to be done to get home but I was not ready for the task, now I am ready for the task. I have been working very hard on the solution for a long time. Now is the time to reap the benefits of my hard work. I am ready to go home back to Mom and Dad.”
Dallas paused for a long moment looking at his little brother. He had learned that his younger brother was always serious in his temperament and very rarely joked.
“Okay Joe, tell me, how do we get home?”
“You are not going to like the answer Dallas but we have no other choices. Centuries ago the Cortex did some business with a humanoid alien race that had jumped to Earth at some point of time in the past. While these explorers were doing business with the Cortex, the Cortex pilfered their computers for information unknowingly to the alien space travelers. I found the information about the visit by the aliens but the coordinates for Earth was missing. Later after further analysis, I discovered that the Cortex have these coordinates and a lot more information about other civilizations in a secure vault on their planet. The information in this vault is their most highly prized possession because the Cortex knows that knowledge is power. We need to pay the Cortex a visit so I can speak with them and obtain the coordinates for Earth plus I intend on harvesting all the information that is contained in this vault. Once we have those coordinates for Earth, we are going home that day.”
“Didn’t we all agree a while back that the best thing we could do was to avoid that species? From what I have heard from Babydoll is that they are very dangerous Joe.”
“Four years ago that was a prudent thing to do Dallas. I was not prepared to deal with the Cortex species. Now I am.”
“You are serious about this aren’t you Joe?”
“I am deadly serious big brother. I want to go home to Dad and Mom.”
Mel and Sam walked into the bridge together. They had heard the conversation with their developed brains.
“We can be of some help Joe,” said Sam.
“Thanks brothers but I can assure the both of you that I will need no help. I will take the two dogs for additional enforcement if I should need it. The two dogs are machines and are immune to the Cortex mental powers thanks to their nanocell shielding around their CPU’s. Besides, I will protect the two android war bikes if things get ugly.”
“Summon the rest of the family to the bridge fellows, so Joe can tell everyone what he is planning on executing,” ordered Dallas somewhat reluctantly.
Soon all the family members were surrounding the captain’s chair. Joe announced to the assembled group what he was going to do. The first to speak up was Christa.


Chronicle Seven


The sun was just peeking over the east horizon causing the three visible moons hanging low in the fading night sky to slowly disappear. Four hundred and twenty six stories up on the exterior of a gleaming glass skyscraper were the jagged remains of a large plate window that had the look of being shattered by a hammer.
As daylight begin flooding into the luxury office from the morning light of the rising sun of what appeared to be a rich executive’s office suite six war bikes could be seen hovering at the edge of the open room bunched closely together. Slowly, one of the dull black war bikes turned one hundred eighty degrees and approached two sleeping figures stretched out on two expensive well padded brown leather sofas. Both of the pilots had black, fluffy pillows placed over their heads and were snoring away apparently from the loud sounds emitting from underneath the pillows.
The dull black war bike moved close to one of the pilots and used her voice emitters loudly.
“Big Rex, it is time for us to go. You certainly must know the routine by now. The janitors just exited the service elevator and are beginning their clean up duties. They will be here very soon.”
“The dark bike and Midnight say they are going to start lobbing ion shots at the tall skyscraper across the street from us if you don’t get up Big Rex and Trex,” added the war bike through her sound emitters.
The war bike had a history of making any statement in her everyday attempt to replace an alarm clock. Waking up her pilot in the morning was always a difficult task.
Her voice emitters were also very loud and could be heard in nearby offices which could prove to be risky.
“Big Rex, you must get up. Suzuki and Sarge are getting ready to go scout the area soon if you two don’t get up to create a diversion,” repeated the war bike loudly.
Finally the war bike got a response from one of the pilots underneath one of the large black pillows. Any human who would be standing in the office suite would barely be able to hear his response.
“Just give me ten more minutes,” answered a sleepy voice from underneath one pillow.
“It will take the janitors thirty five minutes to reach our location Babycakes,” communicated Babydoll to her sister war bike.
“It usually takes four attempts to wake our pilots Babydoll. Check your pilot log for the last two years. I will wait ten minutes as requested and make another attempt. They need to be awakened if they want to have a morning meal. The both of them enter a foul mood of behavior if they are deprived of their morning nourishment.”
The dedicated war bike waited exactly ten minutes and approached her sleeping pilot slowly once again.
“I need to inform you of a correction Babycakes. There are four janitors on this floor, not three as I first computed. I first calculated on the basis of three janitors performing their routine chores but they have been joined by one more. They will arrive in this office twenty two minutes and thirty six seconds from now instead of my original estimate of thirty five minutes and ten seconds,” reported Babydoll loud enough to rattle her speaker grill.
The two humans on the couches continued to snore away.
Babycakes rose off the carpeted floor and using her voice emitters once again she said at maximum verbal sound,
“Big Rex, we must be leaving soon. You and Trex will have twelve minutes to consume your morning meal if you get up now!”
The war bike had emitted a non factual truth. The two humans had more time than that.
One of the young pilots slowly rolled the pillow off his head but his body was still prone on the sofa not moving. After a brief moment he opened one eye and looked at the hovering war bike intently. Babycakes was nose to nose with his face.
“Why the big rush this time Babycakes?” he asked with a sleepy voice while rubbing his face with his right hand.
“The usual reason Big Rex after we break into someone’s office in a large tower."




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